The Black Monk of Pontefract

Further Reading For The Black Monk of Pontefract

Poltergeist: A Classic Study in Destructive Hauntings by Colin Wilson


In the late 1960’s and 1970’s, The Black Monk of Pontefract terrorized the home of Joe and Jean Pritchard in Chequerfield Estate in Endland (similar to the violent haunting in Enfield). The poltergeist manifested at first as most do with cold gusts of wind and the appearance of white powder falling out of thing air to the living room floor.

Things got much worse as time went on, though. Paranormal author, Colin Wilson, wrote that puddles of water would appear on the floor and water would run down the walls. Occupants of the property began reporting heavy furniture moving and falling, objects disappearing before their eyes and worse. The haunting became violent. Children were pulled from their beds and tossed down stairs. Their bodies showed evidence of physical cuts and scratches. Attempts to formally the exorcise the house resulted in a paranormal reaction of all-out war. Religious symbols were destroyed, marks resembling reversed crosses appeared on walls. The Pritchards, themselves, reported seeing a threatening figure cloaked in a black hood, over their beds most nights.

Activity eventually cooled until no more reports came in the 1970’s.

Episode: 240

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