The Bridgewater Triangle

Further Reading For The Bridgewater Triangle

The Day After Roswell by Philip J. Corso & William J. Birnes


Certain parts of this world are thin. You know? In the sense that whatever cosmic barriers keep out the invisible forces of the cosmos are not quite as protected in some places as they are in others. In some cases, like Skinwalker Ranch, they don’t exist at all and the Hockamock Swamp region of Massachusetts, also known as The Bridgewater Triangle is one of those places.

For as long as people have lived in New England they’ve known to steer clear of this place. It’s a cursed location where numerous phenomena like poltergeists, cryptids, UFOs, animal mutilations, orbs, and a strange trickster being known to local Native American tribes as Pukwudgie are frequently reported by visitors.

The Bridgewater Triangle as we know it was first coined by crypto-zoologist Loren Coleman in his landmark text, Mysterious America. Though the swamp is a large part of the triangle, it isn’t the totality of the region, which actually makes up a rather large section of southern Massachusetts. Locals believe that the region was once occupied by the Wampanoag people and was cursed when the local tribal chief’s wampum belt was stolen and lost.

Episode: 114

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