Cobra, The Light Aliens, and You

Further Reading For Cobra, The Light Aliens, and You

Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 – The Movement of the Earth’s Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light, 1949 to 2013 by Drunvalo Melchizedek


If there’s one thing I miss about Last Podcast’s older specimens, it’s these episodes about some obscure corner of UFO lore or the occult. A lot of these stories, like Planet Serpo and that sort of thing, managed to evade infamy by existing in the strange liminal spaces of the internet: namely those old primitive websites that were built in the 90s, with green text on a black background, outlining some insane conspiracy theory that melded popular UFO lore with new age concepts of magic and spirituality. You had to be seriously tapped in and a regular listener of Coast to Coast AM to know about this stuff.

Like a lot of these obscure stories of high weirdness, this one plants a flag in popular conspiracy territory: The evil reptilian race from space that secret controls everything. Thankfully, we’re not fighting this alone. We have a conspiracy superhero friend to help us, Codename: Cobra, a representative of the beautiful transcendent race of light aliens. We’re going to hear all about pyramids, crystals, and The Queen of England.

And Bigfoot. This one has it all, man.

Episode: 58

Episode Link: