The Dangerous UFOs of Brazil

Further reading for The Dangerous UFOs of Brazil

Ufo Danger Zone: Terror & Death in Brazil by Bob Pratt

As if UFO mythology didn’t have enough menace to it, the South American flavor of UFO experience, as opposed to the already nightmare-inducing experience of North America has to go a step further and do lasting bodily harm to the people picked up or harassed around Brazil. Take the absolute horror of the ineffable unknown from beyond found in American cases like Skinwalker Ranch, considered to be an edge case specific to that Utah location and apply it commonly to all experiences had around the rather large landmass of Brazil. Also, be sure to cut out the fluffy new age experiences had in the northern hemisphere, where the experiencer is given a new perspective on life, spirituality, ecology, etc. and make the experience nothing but torment and horror from start to finish. A traumatic experience unlike anything else. So bad, in fact, that the victim – clearly the correct word to use here – never goes outside again.

Between the 1970’s and the 1990’s, the nation of Brazil came under frequent attack from UFOs unlike those found anywhere else in the world. It became such a profound problem for the people there, that the Brazilian government was forced to take it seriously and dispatch military resources to investigate and defend against what seemed to be a very real alien invasion. People from both the most remote parts of the country to some of the most densely populated were reporting not just sightings, but physical encounters which left behind evidence. Evidence that was, unfortunately for many, fatal after a time. The majority of experiencers seemed to have come into contact with something extremely radioactive and in the days following their exposure, experienced the same sorts of symptoms, sometimes in an extremely accelerated way, the same sort of symptoms you would have found in people having been directly exposed to nuclear reactor emissisons or bombing sites.

The flap would eventually slowly come to a halt over time but in that time, the Brazilian military took the threat very seriously and Brazil was one of the first, if not the first nation on Earth to publicly acknowledge the existence of unidentified craft with propulsion and maneuvering that was unlike anything found on earth as well as what appeared to be sources of energy that are horrifically dangerous to human life and maybe even weapons systems beyond anything known to be in use by any world government.

Episode: 426

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