Dean Corll

Further Reading For Dean Corll

Mass murder in Houston by John K Gurwell

The Man with The Candy by Jack Olsen

Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us by Jesse Bering

Texas Monthly: The Lost Boys


Buckle up nice and tight. This is a rough one. Dean Corll is among the world’s most vile and vicious serial murderers. Between 1970 and 1973, he raped, tortured, and murdered a minimum of 28 teenage boys with the assistance of two teenage acomplices, Elmer Wayne Henley and David Brooks, around Houston, Texas. A combination of homophobia and stunning police incompetence allowed Corll to kill as many as he did for as long as he did. His killing spree would have likely gone on for much longer had he not been murdered in 1973 by his accomplice, Elmer Henley.

Corll was known as the Candyman on account of his ownership of a Texas candy company. The candy shop and it’s location, near a school, put him in a prime location to befriend and then molest, torture, and murder children. Later, Corll moved his activities to a club house that became a common party location for local teens where he often supplied alcohol drugs and then had his pick of local kids. Horrific details of his crimes and the locations of 21 bodies, 14 of which were buried in a rented boat trailer, came to light after his murder.

Corll’s motivations and murderous habits were similar to those of John Wayne Gacy, but unlike Gacy, he’s a strange footnote in the history of American crime despite his reputation for being among the worst, most vicious and evil, deviants of all time.

Episodes: 210-213

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