Elizabeth Klarer

Further reading for Elizabeth Klarer

Beyond the Light Barrier by Elizabeth Klarer

Maverick: Extraordinary Women from South Africa’s Past by Lauren Beukes

Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abduction by David M. Jacobs

Elizabeth Klarer offers a real change of pace from the usual story of UFO abduction. Where most abduction stories are typically defined with horrifying details of abuse, mutilation and terror at the hands of the aliens onboard the UFO, Klarer flipped the script and offers up a steamy romance novel version of a highly sexual UFO abduction case. Beginning in the late 1950’s she claimed to have come into contact with a being named Akon who took her aboard his ship, pleasured her to untold heights of ecstasy and brought her to his home planet, Meton, where she stayed with him for several yeas while mothering their child. She was inexplicably returned to Earth not long after her abduction in spite of being gone for as long as she claimed, but ain’t space travel weird like that?

The case of Elizabeth Klarer, like that of Betty Andreason, presented an abduction case unlike the mainstream. Hers was beautiful and full of romance. It was without the usual terror and strangeness and like Andreasson it planted in her a seed which changed the way that she thought about the world and the people who live in it, bringing her to a more compassionate place.

It’s one of those rare Last Podcast on the Left episodes where nobody gets killed or raped. It’s just love and light and a whole lot of alien weirdness. A borderland on the fringe where sexual fantasies got out of control and for once it happened to be a good thing.

Episode: 477

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