Hadden Clark

Further reading for Hadden Clark

Born Evil: A True Story of Cannibalism and Serial Murder by Adrian Havill

Though, not officially declared a serial killer due to having only been officially indicted for and convicted of two murders, Hadden Clark is likely responsible for as many as thirteen murders and man alive, is this guy a colorful one.

Clark is the son of two particularly rotten booze hound parents who seemed to go out of their way to produce the most broken children possible and boy howdy, these people are world champs. Not only would Hadden grow up to become a heinous murderer, his brother Brad, a successful Silicon Valley computer guy, went on to murder and eat the flesh of his victim in pure Patrick Bateman style.

Interestingly, Hadden’s murders involved cannibalism as well, but his pathologhy diverged in that all of the misery he ever caused seemed to be a degree removed from his intended victim. He was driven by revenge but always in an indirect fashion. He would kill the pets of people he felt had wronged him, eventually evolving into murdering people close to the same types of people. Due to the abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother as a child, Hadden also developed a personality separate from his own, that of Kristen, a woman who he inhabited by wearing women’s clothing and adopting a feminine personality.

Episode: 389 & 390

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