L Ron Hubbard

Further Reading For L Ron Hubbard

Bare-faced Messiah – the True Story of L. Ron Hubbard by Russell Miller

Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard


L. Ron Hubbard was proof positive that the most successful people in America are liars. He was many things: a writer of pulp fiction, a veteran of the United States Navy, an occultist, but he’s best known for his book Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health and his absolutely bonkers self-help cult, The Church of Scientology, which somehow managed to hoodwink some of the most powerful people in Hollywood while at the same time suggesting that ancient aliens buried their most evil beings under volcanoes on earth way before there was any life here and that they continue to exist as ghosts, making life miserable for the rest of us. Seriously. Tom Cruise believes this shit, man.

Though, his cult continues to this day, a terrifying force of litigation and probably (definitely) guilty of atrocities committed on members it considers undesirable, Hubbard, the man, spent most of life sailing the high seas in accordance with his ultimate dream for life. But rather than command a fleet of ships delivering mankind from the evil influence of Thetans, he was mostly just on the run for tax evasion and sailed from port to port, flaccidly trying to a weak government that he and his minions could influence and ultimately overrun. Unsurprisingly, this didn’t work out because they’re not terribly smart people.

Much of what is known by the records of his cult is widely accepted to be complete lies at best and the Church of Scientology as we know it now is the result of its current leader.

Episodes: 261-264

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