Men in Black

Further Reading For Men In Black

The Real Men In Black: Evidence, Famous Cases, and True Stories of These Mysterious Men and their Connection to UFO Phenomena by Nick Redfern

Casebook on the Men In Black by Jim Keith

They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers by Gray Barker

Flying Saucers and the Three Men by Albert Bender

The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story by John Keel

Secret Cipher of the UfOnauts by Allen H. Greenfield

Secret Rituals of the Men In Black by Allen H. Greenfield

Moonchild by Aleister Crowley


Men In Black are a characteristic of high strangeness that sometimes occurs alongside UFO sightings (see: The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction). Witnesses and people claiming to have encountered them describe them as anything from ordinary people dressed all in black to robotic humanoids trying to present themselves as human. They identify themselves as government agents and are said to threaten witnesses of UFO activity.

Sightings of MIB have been reported throughout all of human history but the men in dark suits as we have come to understand them first began appearing in the American consciousness in 1947 when UFO witness, Hardol Dahl, reported that a man in a dark suit warned him not to tell anyone about the UFO sightings on Maury Island in Washington. Subsequently, in 1950, UFOlogist Alec K. Bender claimed that he was also visited and threatened by men in dark suits that strongly recommended that he stop investigating the UFO phenomenon.

Fortean researcher and writer, John Keel, suggested that these beings may be demonic in nature, comparing reports across time with his own experiences, particularly those when investigating the famous Mothman encounters in West Virginia with a strange man named Indrid Cold, who seems to reappear throughout Fortean history to other researchers, writers, and experiencers in the same strange role, never aging.

Episodes: 323-325

Episode Links

Part 1: You Fed The Tulpa

Part 2: Pig Transport

Part 3: Time Crime