The Possession of Michael Taylor

Further Reading For Michael Taylor

The Sussex Devils: A True Story of the 1980s Satanic Panic by Marc Heal

Beyond the Occult by Colin Wilson


Michael Taylor is a strange note in the history of British crime. In 1974, Taylor entered the news for the extremely brutal murder of his wife, a murder he committed with his bare hands.

Earlier that year, Taylor entered a Christian fellowship group with his wife Christine. As their involvement with the group, led by the charismatic Marie Robinson, deepend, Michael’s relationship with Robinson eventually turned sexual. His wife would later confess this to the group and Taylor defended his actions by insisting that he felt a demonic evil growing inside of him and was not in control. The group made attempts to cleanse him, spiritually, but his behavior became more and more erratic until it eventually became violent, impying that he was the victim of demonic possession.

Local clergy prepared to exorcise him. In a 24 hour marathon of exorcism, the priests cast out dozens of demons representing evil desires in man before taking a break and, for some reason, allowing Taylor to return home, allegedly with demons representing insanity, murder, and violence intact.

That night, Taylor murdered his wife. He tore her eyes and tongue out with his bare hands, nearly tearing her face off. He also strangled their dog and then stumbled out into the street naked and bloody. Taylor was found not guilty by reason of insanity and spent the next several years in an inpatient psychiatric hospital before being released.

Episode: 338

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