Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka

Further reading for Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

Invisible Darkness: The Strange Case Of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka by Steven Williams

Lethal Marriage: The Unspeakable Crimes of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka by Nick Pron

Deadly Innocence by Scott Burnside and Alan Cairns

Paul Bernardo (also known as Paul Jason Teale) and Karla Homolka are two murderers from Ontario, Canada who, together, committed at least three murders and recorded them to videotape for later viewing. Among those murderers is Karla’s own fifteen year old sister. Together, they’ve come to be known as the Ken and Barbie Killers. On his own, Bernardo committed countless rapes in the late 80’s and early 90’s, known to the police as The Scarborough Rapist.

To understand these two people, you have to imagine the two worst people you know. Just think about them and then add a further uncomfortable layer to the mix where they’re married and routinely engage in seriously gross public displays of affection. Bernardo is a loser of a very particular stripe. His narcissism has him convinced that he’s destined for great things and being that the bulk of his terror took place at the frontier between the 80’s and 90’s, this took shape in the form of rap music. If it’s not bad enough that he’s a vicious sexual sadist and unfeeling killer, he aspired to torture us all with his def flow and fresh lyrics. Where most people who write about him often compare him to fictional characters like Patrick Bateman or real life killers like Ted Bundy, he’s really more like Ted Bundy if Ted was really into Vanilla Ice.

Meanwhile, his awful girlfriend, Karla, participated in and encouraged his later rapes, herself an unfeeling psychopath. Their awful chemistry led them to carry out a string of unspeakable crimes that would have been significantly shorter had the police of the province of Ontario not been such lazy assholes.

For her participation in the crimes carried out, Karla has since been set free from prison and she continues to roam the world, looking for a place to live where no one will eventually figure out who she is while he vile boyfriend remains in prison, doing everything he can to get out. These episodes are notable for the ceaseless and grating “Canadian accent” by Henry Zebrowski, which makes them rather hard to listen to.

Episodes: 470-472

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