
Further reading

Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot by Bruce Leininger, Andrea Leininger, and Ken Gross


Admit it. Even if you’re some edgelord 4chan postin’ teenage trash, death is still fucking terrifying and we all desperately look to some kind of explanation for what happens when we die. Traditionally, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and a whole shitload of other religions have this idea that when we die our spirit ascends to Heaven where we chill in eternity in paradise with God. But most other religions subscribe to the notion that death is just the end of a cycle and the life you’re living right now is just one in an endless cycle. Where one ends, another one begins. It’s central to Buddhist thought.

Maybe when you die your soul immediately vacates the body and enters into a new one being born. Maybe you go through a sort of Tibetan bardo kind of thing where you hang out in the afterlife for a while and then end up in some other body. Or maybe you ascend from life to life until you’ve gone as far as your soul can go in the spiritual evolutionary proceedings and you enter the highest kingdom. It’s up to you.

Episode: 29

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