The Magick Series: The Right-Hand Path

Further Reading For The Right Hand Path

Stealing Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Modern Western Magic by Nevill Drury

The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Twelve by Nathan Wolski & Joel Hecker

The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge by Jeremy Narby

Flying Roll 25


Like I said in the article for Left Hand Path magical traditions, the right/left dichotomy of magical practical is pure bullshit. Magic is magic and no matter how you get around to manifesting your outcomes, you’re tapping into the same cosmic source by drawing symbols in the air with a lotus wand that you would by having ritual buttsex with a willing partner from your Thelemic lodge. Chaos magic shattered the illusion that there was a difference between the two philosophies when it came along and made use of all magical symbols and energies that the other philosophies had rigidly regimented into their own silos.

But, for the sake of argument, here’s what distinguishes the Right Hand Path from the Left. Karma plays a large role in the proceedings. Moving up the Tree Of Life often requires a purity of soul and so a moral balance is struck in accordance with religions that stress judgement in the afterlife. Mind, body, and soul, all inter-related, are regarded as individual bodies which must be strengthened and balanced to work in harmony with one another as the magician does their work.

Where left hand path magic often strives for lower dimensional outcomes (money, sex, power), RHP magicians strive for communion with God and what is sometimes called Knowledge and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel.

Episode: 197

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