Robert Hansen

Further Reading For Robert Hansen

Butcher, Baker: The True Account of an Alaskan Serial Killer by Walter Gilmour,‎ Leland E. Hale


Robert Hansen was a truly vile piece of human garbage that the media dubbed The Butcher Baker on account of him kidnapping local sex workers between 1971 and 1983, subjecting them to torture and rape before flying them out to the middle of nowhere in his single engine airplane,  setting them loose on the wilds of Alaska and hunting them like wild animals. Hansen can credibly be tied to 17 murders but it is possible that he is responsible for more than 30 disappearances in the Anchorage area.

Oh. He was also a baker. Like, he made bread. Get it? Butcher Baker?  Whatever.

Of the 17 murders he is officially suspected of, Hansen went down for the murder of only 4 women. He was sentenced in 1983 to 461 years plus life, however that ends up making sense. His survivors let the world know by way of official court testimony that Hansen had a small, weird dick. Hansen left this world at the age of 75 in August of 2014 from a number of unknown health conditions and the world is a better place for it.

Episodes: 308 & 309

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