Rodney Alcala

Further reading for Rodney Alcala

The Dating Game Killer: The True Story of a TV Dating Show, a Violent Sociopath, and a Series of Brutal Murders by Stella Sands

Rodney Alcala may be the serial killer world’s best kept secret and that may be for a very good reason. For all the Ted Bundys and John Wayne Gacys of the world, few monster hid among us quite like Alcala. He was a charming and handsome man. Where people often talked about Bundy as being good looking, he was merely not what comes to mind when people think of unfeeling killing machines.

It’s not known how many victims Alcala had and he only went to prison for five murders but investigators and researchers believe that his murders likely began far earlier than is believed and that he is responsible for deaths somewhere in the low two hundreds.

He’s referred to as The Dating Game Killer due to his appearance on that very show, an appearance which coincided with his killing spree. He had no preferred type or gender. He killed young and old. His methods were vicious and brutal. The process of murder was his addiction and it took many forms involving beatings, strangulation, bites deep enough to draw blood, tearing, and stabbing. Many of his victims were raped and very few of them survived. What’s more, Alcala stayed on the move. His hunting grounds were nation-wide and it took forever for the police to catch up with him.

Episodes 466 & 467