The Satanic Government

Further Reading For Satanic Government

The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John DeCamp


People have been speculating that governments of the world are run by a shadowy cabal for as long as there have been governments. Overseas in the UK, there’s a sizable number of people that think the Royal Family are literally lizards where human suits. Over here, because we’re a nation founded by paranoid puritan Christians that see the devil in every little thing, we think that the our government is run by a secret society of satanic maniacs and I gotta tell ya, the longer I live to see it, the more I start to believe it. Qanon and Pizzagate weirdos will act like it’s a partisan thing, but they’re missing the big picture. It’s everyone in power. Including their precious president.

This episode concerns a couple of the key seeds in this particular brand of conspiracy belief. We start off with the story of Michael Aquino, a high ranking Army officer, a key player in the founding of military psychological operations, and the founder of a Church of Satan offshoot called The Temple of Set. in 1987, Aquino was at the center of a military investigation of the Presidio Day Care Center in San Francisco when a large number of children at the center were suspected of having been molested. Upon investigation, a number of them tested positive for sexually transmitted infections. Some of them as young as toddlers. While no concrete evidence ever formally tied Aquino to the crimes, there were numerous suspicious happenings, namely two fires that destroyed the day case center and all of its records.

The other part of the series covers the Frankling Cover Up, a bizarre sex abuse scandal that starts in a Nebraska bank where one of its executives was a fixer for a local pedophile ring that seemed to have its tentacles in the halls of power and connections to an obscure sex cult called The Finders.

Episodes: 118-120

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