Sexual Liaisons with the Alien

Further reading for Sexual Liaisons with the Alien

Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abductions by Bill Chalker

Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld by Patrick Harpur

Three steamy tales of sexy times with extraterrestrial nymphs from beyond. Actually, that’s not accurate at all. This is three stories that are mostly about dudes being abducted in the usual UFO encounter only to be taken up to who-knows-where and raped by alien sex robots. With the exception of one story, they’re pretty harrowing in a way that should make you question the sanity of anyone (me) that actually seeks to be abducted by aliens.

It’s classic Last Podcast alien material featuring sexy aliens, vaginas in the wrong place, bitten off nipples, alien sex robots with lego hair, and Henry’s exposition of the Jacques Vallee and the psychic aliens connection, not to mention lots and lots of cheap sex gags.

Episode: 392

Episode Link