The Tall Whites

Further reading for The Tall Whites

Millennial Hospitality by Charles Hall

Millennial Hospitality II: The World We Knew by Charles Hall

Millennial Hospitality III: The Road Home by Charles Hall

Grays and Reptilians get all the press in the world of aliens and UFOs but there’s a whole world out there of other species of beings. Often confused with the pleasant Nordics, The Tall Whites are like a shadow version of the Billy Meier Pleijaren aliens. Like Meier’s aliens, though, the experience of the Tall Whites are almost exclusively limited to one person, author of the Millennial Hospitality series, a half dozen volumes of high strangeness chronicling the interactions between Charles Hall, a profoundly ordinary dude in the Air Force who the United States government charged with being the liaison between the Tall Whites and the clandestine organizations within the government that had forged a shaky alliance with the aliens.

The Tall Whites are invariably described by Hall as being chalk-white with white hair to match and large blue eye set nearer to the sides of their heads than our own, but they are otherwise very humanoid in appearance with the exception of being a great deal taller than humans and living to a lifespan ten times that of our own.

Hall’s story of the whites is unlike most UFO contact stories, where the planet Earth and us humans seem to be at the center of a dire conspiracy, the Whites seem to regard this planet as a rest stop on their way to other planets in their trading network, indicating that their entire culture is heavily invested in some kind of capitalist economic system, a sure sign that this whole story is bullshit since we’re not even sure if our own capitalist system will sustain life on this planet for much longer never mind an entirely different race that has somehow survived long enough to develop efficient means of traveling great distances through space.

Episode: 415

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