The Goblin Universe

Further reading for The Goblin Universe

The Goblin Universe by Ted Holiday

The Eighth Tower: On Ultraterrestrials and the Superspectrum by John Keel

Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers by Jacques Vallee

The Goblin Universe is a parascientific theory put forth by Fortean researcher Ted Holiday to describe a grand unification theory of high strangeness. Holiday’s book, though, never intended to be published, describes a realm of spirit occupied by a force that we might call trickster spirits or trickster energy and it accounts for most Fortean activity, be it Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, Poltergeists, etc. Holiday’s theory ties this phenomena into a single source which occasionally leaks into our world, causing chaos and confusion simply because it can and that its various manifestations are projections of the human three-dimensional perceptions of it. Our own consciousness seems to inform how this force appears to us.

Holiday’s book is half-baked, though. It was clearly being worked out on paper and Colin Wilson of Man, Myth, and Magic fame ended up publishing it because hey, why not, right? In the intervening years, these same ideas have been explored and more fully flesh out by Fortean researchers and writers like Jacques Vallee, John Keel, and, most recently, Hellier (which if you have not yet seen it, do something about that).

Episode: 455

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