Aleister Crowley: The Great Beast 666

Further Reading For Aleister Crowley

Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley


For a lot of us that are down with the occult, we have a rocky relationship with Aleister Crowley. You absolutely cannot ignore his contributions to the field of occult study and practice. You just can’t. The guy did good work. But you know? He also enthusiastically ate a combination of mentrual blood and jizz and convinced an entire spiritual movement of Thelemic magicians to do the same.

Crowley was born to wealthy and extremely religious parents in the later part of the 19th century in England and went on to become one of the world’s leading authorities on matters of spirituality and magic. If you ever come across some clown that spells it magick, with a k, you have Crowley to thank. He climbed mountains, he explored Egyptian ruins, he was an author and a poet. The dude was all over the place and in his time he joined up with every initiatory order that would have him and then proceeded to make himself enough of a pain in the ass that everyone eventually kicked him out. He consorted with The Freemasons, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and The Fraternitas Saturni before founding the Ordo Templi Orientis, an initiatory order based on his Book of the Law and philosophy of Thelema.

Crowley started out in Right Hand Path orders but ultimately landed on more Left Hand Path philosophies where he became obsessed with sexual magic and eating various human excrement and fluids. Everything OTO magicians do is some kind of juvenile smirking reference to pussy and boners. It’s hard to believe it, but the dude had a huge impact on occult study.

Episode: 55

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