Witches: A History & Demonstration of Their Power

Further Reading For Witches: A History & Demonstration of Their Power

Malleus Maleficarum – The Witch Hammer by Jacob Sprenger, Heinrich Kramer, Montague Summers


This early episode is similar in vein to the later Witch Hunts episode and some of the concepts investigated in the Magic Series Episodes. Witchcraft is a sort of general term for folk magic used around the world and the qualities of what makes a witch differs from culture to culture. This episode goes over witchcraft ranging from the witches of 16th century Europe to the horrors of witches currently operating in Africa.

Henry and Marcus both demonstrate the light and dark powers of a witch’s magic on one another and Ben uses magic to summon actor Matthew McConaughey to his Facebook page. What can I say? It’s an old one and they were still figuring out how to do this whole podcast thing.

Episode: 85

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